Spa GayHow open am I about my sexuality? 1How comfortable are you discussing your sexuality with friends? I openly share my experiences and feelings. I discuss it but only with close friends. I rarely talk about it, even with friends. I never discuss it with anyone. 2How do you feel about public displays of affection? I feel completely comfortable showing affection in public. I am okay with some affection in public settings. I prefer to keep affection private. I feel very uncomfortable with any public displays of affection. 3How often do you participate in LGBTQ+ events? I regularly attend and support LGBTQ+ events. I occasionally attend LGBTQ+ events when I can. I have attended a few events but not regularly. I have never attended any LGBTQ+ events. 4How do you feel about coming out to family? I have come out to my family and they are supportive. I have come out to some family members and it went well. I haven't come out to my family yet. I don't plan to come out to my family at all. 5How do you express your sexuality in your daily life? I express it openly and confidently every day. I express it in certain situations but not all the time. I keep my expressions of sexuality very limited. I try to hide my sexuality in my daily life. 6How do you feel about discussing sexuality in a professional setting? I feel comfortable discussing it openly at work. I am cautious but can discuss it if necessary. I avoid discussing sexuality at work. I believe it's inappropriate to discuss at work. 7How do you approach dating as part of your sexuality? I date openly and confidently without any concerns. I date but keep it somewhat private. I am hesitant to date openly due to fears. I do not date anyone openly. 8How do you respond to questions about your sexual orientation? I answer openly and confidently without hesitation. I answer but feel a bit reserved about it. I usually avoid answering those questions. I refuse to answer any questions about my orientation. 9How important is it for you to have a partner who understands your sexuality? It's very important; I prioritize it in relationships. It's somewhat important, but not a dealbreaker. It's not very important to me. I don't care about that aspect at all. 10How do you feel about your sexuality being part of your identity? I see it as a core and proud part of who I am. I acknowledge it as part of my identity but it's not everything. I don't really think of it as a significant part of my identity. I prefer to separate my sexuality from my identity entirely. Calcular resultadoCalculando resultados...Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Go up
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